The ancient Greeks and Romans used columbaria to house the columbaria niche where the ashes of the dead were preserved. This custom began in the early first century and was found predominantly in Rome. Burial laws during the reign of Augustus were revised to do away with putrid communal mass graves and cremation became the major burial choice. Ornate underground chambers were constructed with hundreds of columbaria covering the walls. The body would be cremated and the ashes collected, deposited in an urn, and placed in its appointed columbaria niche.
The columbaria could be sponsored by royal families, the senate, and other independent groups or funeral associations including; guilds, freemen, former and current slaves. Many things have been learned about this culture by evaluating the ancient columbaria and acquired burial customs. Everest Columbarium manufactures columbaria and columbaria niches that are installed by churches, cemeteries, retirement communities and groups that provide this service for their members.