The Everest columbarium niche is a module or container manufactured to hold an urn. The exterior is covered with a granite faceplate inscribed with the decedent’s name, date of birth, and date of death. The columbarium niches are designed into groups or configurations...
First, a Columbarium begins with a design plan using the Everest CAD niche specifications for the columbarium. Everest recommends using an architect or contractor who has visited the site. This person develops a unique design that is suitable and complementary...
First get the approval of your pastor and church council to explore the possibility of building a columbarium onsite.Ask the council to distribute a letter to all church members in the weekly bulletin and online. This letter should gage the interest among...
When it comes time to choose a columbarium, there are many factors to consider. This article will provide you with key questions to ask before purchasing a columbarium, as well as some things to consider when selecting a manufacturer. A columbarium can be a beautiful...
What is a columbarium? A columbarium is a structure or room for the storage of urns containing cremated remains. It can be an exterior or interior feature of a building. Our columbarium designs are endless, with four different styles to choose from. We have a...