Are Columbarium Mostly Installed at Churches?

Are Columbarium Mostly Installed at Churches?

While it’s true that columbarium are often found in churches, they are by no means exclusive to religious institutions. Here is a breakdown of where columbaria can be located: Churches and cemeteries: These are the most common locations, offering a traditional...
Why Choose a Columbarium for Your Church?

Why Choose a Columbarium for Your Church?

There are many reasons why a church might choose to have a columbarium. Here are a few of the most common reasons: To provide a place for cremated remains to be interred. Columbariums offer a more affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional...
Are Columbarium Mostly Installed at Churches?

How Does a Church Start a Columbarium Committee?

 First get the approval of your pastor and church council to explore the possibility of building a columbarium onsite.Ask the council to distribute a letter to all church members in the weekly bulletin and online.  This letter should gage the interest among...