Why do Columbarium Niches take up Less Space than a Mausoleum?

Why do Columbarium Niches take up Less Space than a Mausoleum?

There are several key reasons why columbarium niches take up less space than a mausoleum: Size of individual unit: Columbarium niche: Designed to hold a single urn containing cremated remains, typically measuring around 12″ x 12″ x...
Why Does Your Cemetery Need a Columbarium?

Why Does Your Cemetery Need a Columbarium?

There are many reasons why a cemetery might need a columbarium. Here are a few of the most common reasons: To provide a place for cremated remains to be interred. Columbariums offer a more affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial. To...
What is a Columbarium Niche?

What is a Columbarium Niche?

A columbarium niche is a small, above-ground compartment in a columbarium wall or structure that is used to store the cremated remains of a deceased person. Columbariums are typically found in cemeteries, churches, and funeral homes. Niche sizes vary, but they...
Columbaria and the Columbaria niche originated from the Romans

Columbaria and the Columbaria niche originated from the Romans

The ancient Greeks and Romans used columbaria to house the columbaria niche where the ashes of the dead were preserved. This custom began in the early first century and was found predominantly in Rome.  Burial laws during the reign of Augustus were revised to do...
What is a Columbarium Niche and how do you design a columbarium?

What is a Columbarium Niche and how do you design a columbarium?

The Everest columbarium niche is a module or container manufactured to hold an urn. The exterior is covered with a granite faceplate inscribed with the decedent’s name, date of birth, and date of death. The columbarium niches are designed into groups or configurations...